My 2023: A Year Interrupted

Copyright Edith Pritchett, published in The Guardian 6th Nov 2023. I’m not enamoured with the current iteration of the UK Labour Party (I would like something to vote for, not simply to vote against something/someone else…but they either don’t seem to know what they stand for, or they really think the country needs/wants Tory Lite [we don’t, FYI]), but they’ve got to be better than the collection of cruel incompetents we’ve been stuck with for far too long.
I’ve had a bit of an odd year. Not as odd as 2020, admittedly, but a weirdly disjointed twelve months nonetheless. I had covid in early February, which knocked me sideways energy-wise for a couple of months, and left me feeling like I was playing catch-up during the first half of the year. By the summer I was feeling more myself and making plans for various things (including writing intentions alluded to in my viewing posts), but then I had gastroenteritis in August, which completely knocked me off my stride and effectively buggered all plans I had intended for the remainder of the year. September and October seemed to solely consist of going to work and sleeping. So although my viewing picked up considerably this year, it’s still not what it might have been, and you’ll see that my reading is significantly down on the past few years.

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2023 Viewing, Part 1

Film posters of films watched so far in 2023

I said in my end-of-year post that I wasn’t sure I’d post anything about what I’ve been watching during the year, but I’ve decided that posting occasionally will allow me to take note of observations while they’re reasonably fresh in my mind, and also hold me accountable to my intention of increasing my viewing habits.

Viewing got off to slow start, but picked up when I settled back in to following in Tavernier’s footsteps once more. I then side-stepped into some Carlos Saura, discovered that Sky Documentaries shows recent titles, and started down a Denis Ménochet rabbit hole (in an admittedly oblique manner for the most part so far).

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