Un impulso colectivo: the podcast

‘Un impulso colectivo’ [a collective impulse] is a regular section of Barcelona’s D’A Festival, and takes its name from a September 2013 article by programmer/critic Carlos Losilla in the magazine Caimán cuadernos de cine (he programmed the films in the section’s first iteration in 2014, and I believe has been responsible for doing so in the ten years since as well). In the previous version of this blog, I started off on the trail of el otro cine español (that link is the tag for related pieces on this site) but quickly found it to be a nebulous term that included such an array of filmmakers (for example, Caimán‘s list of 52 directors of ‘nuevo/otro cine español’) that it was difficult to know where to begin. I ended up starting a mini-project focussed on the films that appeared in the first edition of ‘Un impulso colectivo’ because I realised that it had been programmed so as to give an overview of the cinema being made on the margins/periphery in Spain. I wrote a summary of what I found in that initial collection of films, and then I went to the D’A Festival in 2015 (the various pieces/interviews I wrote about the films on that trip are collected on the old blog) because I realised that if I wanted to see films that pertained to this collective impulse, I needed to travel.

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2023 Viewing, Part 2

Film posters of films watched

Truth be told, I did not expect to be posting my next viewing update so soon, but I’ve picked up speed and have ended up watching as many films in the past four weeks as I had watched in the previous three months. This spate of viewing productivity is mainly due to taking two weeks of annual leave and having had two bank holiday weekends, so it’s highly unlikely that I’ll keep this pace up for the rest of the year. You’ll see from the image above that I’ve continued my Tavernier mission and made further progress down the Denis Ménochet rabbit hole. I’ve actually reached my 2023 target of 40 films watched! That’s the difference that igniting curiosity and enthusiasm can make – long live rabbit holes!

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2023 Viewing, Part 1

Film posters of films watched so far in 2023

I said in my end-of-year post that I wasn’t sure I’d post anything about what I’ve been watching during the year, but I’ve decided that posting occasionally will allow me to take note of observations while they’re reasonably fresh in my mind, and also hold me accountable to my intention of increasing my viewing habits.

Viewing got off to slow start, but picked up when I settled back in to following in Tavernier’s footsteps once more. I then side-stepped into some Carlos Saura, discovered that Sky Documentaries shows recent titles, and started down a Denis Ménochet rabbit hole (in an admittedly oblique manner for the most part so far).

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