25% off BFI Books

Book cover of The Richard Dyer Reader from BFI Publishing

Bloomsbury, publisher of the BFI’s books (including the indispensable BFI Film Classics series), currently have a sale on their site – you can get 25% off using the code BTU23UK (most of the books already have a discount if purchased via the publisher’s website, but that code takes the full discount off at the check-out). Given the price of film books, I thought I’d pass that on.

I have purchased the above book, which is quite the tome, and I’m looking forward to dipping into old and new pieces by one of my favourite film writers. I’m now going to go back and see whether the code works on pre-orders, as I’d like Pamela Hutchinson’s forthcoming book on The Red Shoes. [Update: it doesn’t work on pre-orders, but the discount lasts until 8th October and the book is published on the 5th…so I will return!].


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